Glad You Asked: Why are bread twist ties different colors?

Glad You Asked: Why are bread twist ties different colors?

(CBS 58) -- Have you ever noticed the color of the twist ties or tabs on your bread? They're different colors. It's not just for show either.

Why are bread ties different colors?

Glad you asked.

"Typically, the twist ties, the little plastic things around bread indicate what day the bread was baked." said Fresh Thyme Farmers Market dietitian Kerry Clifford. "And it helps the bakery pull things off the shelf so that they're always fresh."

It's not something consumers need to worry about.

"It's for the store," Clifford said. "So that the bakery can watch out for pulling things that may be getting to be a little bit older."

It's also not uniform across the industry. Different stores and different manufacturers can have different colors for different days. For example, green doesn't always mean Tuesday in every store.

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