Governor Scott Walker says he was raised to stand during the National Anthem

NOW: Governor Scott Walker says he was raised to stand during the National Anthem

Governor Walker spoke out Tuesday on National Anthem protests at NFL games.

"I stood at the game the other day," responded the Governor. "That's what I and my family do. I let others respond to how they do it. But that's how I was raised."

The controversy has only intensified since Milwaukee native and now unemployed player Colin Kaepernick decided to sit out the Anthem because of the plight of minorities in our country, especially when it comes to police relations.

President Trump recently suggested that the NFL should fire players who do that.

The NFL and teams, including the Packers, were quick to fire back.

The league is allowing players to demonstrate as they want, some teams even opting out of being on the field during the Anthem to avoid the controversy altogether.

Governor Walker thinks he shared the calling to stand with most people in the state of Wisconsin and United States.

"No matter what other issues they have, to me, it's important to pay respect. Not so much to the flag, but the men and women who fought for our freedoms, including the right to protest."

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