Milwaukee man charged for sexually assaulting 82 year old

Stephen Robinson is charged for allegedly sexual assaulting a 82 year-old Milwaukee woman on July 16 on West Darien Street.
Robinson is charged with two counts of second degree sexual assault and one count of aggravated battery of a victim 62 years of age or older. 
The victim told police she was sexually assaulted at 4:30 PM. 
She was walking to her apartment from the bus stop located at North 43 Street and West Green Tree Road. 
She was approached by a unknown black male while she walking past the building at 6835 West Darien Street. 
The man got close to her and mumbled something. She could not hear exactly what he said but she thought he said something about money. She asked the man what he said and he repeated a profane word. 
She tried to walk faster away from the man. The man pushed her to the ground and her walker was knocked over. 
The man turned her over so she was face down, and he sexually assaulted her. 
She was fearful and yelled \"God forgive me\" because she thought he was going to kill her. 
After he assaulted her, he left and she called police in her apartment. 
A witness told police the description sounded like the ex-boyfriend of her roommate, Stephen Robinson. 
Robinson told police he had sexual relations with the woman after he got her to the ground. 
The City of Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault said it is working  collaboratively with the Milwaukee Police Department on policies and practices pertaining to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. The Milwaukee Police Department has been an integral member of the Commission since its inception.
“Sexual assault is a crime that knows no boundaries and affects individuals of all ages,” said Dawn Helmrich, Commission Chair. “It is imperative that when victims find the courage to disclose, we respond to them in a way that is sensitive to their experience and alleviates the barriers faced by too many survivors of sexual assault.”
It was reported that the victim hesitated to seek medical treatment because of concern over the cost of an ambulance. 
The City of Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault said Wisconsin Department of Justice Crime Victim Compensation Program helps pay for non-reimbursed eligible expenses that result from a crime.  This includes medical expenses and ambulance costs. For more information, contact the Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services at (800) 446-6564. 
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