Wisconsin DOT partners with the App WAZE to Improve Your Commute

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has partnered with the mobile application WAZE to get drivers real time information.

WAZE is a community based traffic and navigation app that lets drivers share traffic conditions and road closures saving other drivers time.

"Reports include things like accidents or a car stopped on the shoulder or something that's obstructing the roadway,” said Elizabeth Schneider, freeway operations manager. “Even weather hazards can be included and shared by users."

The partnership is part of the WAZE Connected Citizens Program that partners the application with local and state agencies. So far, it has more than 80 partners in the country.

“It gives us the opportunity to go out to hazards that are being populated in the WAZE app whether they are potholes or ice on the road or fog and deal with those incidents quickly," said Paul Keltner, traffic management supervisor.

The Wisconsin DOT plans to get the information it gets from WAZE and place it on their website, mobile app and twitter account so drivers can better plan their commute and reduce traffic congestion.

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