Family of Dontre Hamilton releases autopsy report

The family of Dontre Hamilton released a copy of the autopsy report issued by Milwaukee County seven months after the shooting of Dontre Hamilton by Christopher Manney. The family is pressuring Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm to decide if he'll issue criminal charges against Former Milwaukee Police Officer Christopher Manney for the shooting.

Dontre Hamilton was shot and killed by Former Officer Christopher Manney on April 30, 2014. According to the Milwaukee Police Department, a Starbucks employee at Red Arrow Park called police. Officers reported to this call twice, and conducted a welfare check. Both interactions resulted in no physical contact with Dontre Hamilton, and officers found no cause for additional police action. Manney responded to the same call over an hour later with no knowledge other officers had already responded. Police Chief Ed Flynn says Manney treated Hamilton like a criminal from the beginning of this incident. This is the reason Chief Flynn gave for firing Officer Manney on October 15. Chief Flynn says Manney did not use his training on how to deal with emotionally disturbed persons.

In a press release, Attorney Jon Safran says the Hamilton family continues to wait for a charging decision \"despite being told twelve weeks ago, on September 9, 2014, that an additional month was needed to make a charging decision\".

Safran says the Hamilton family chose to release Dontre's autopsy report to the public. The autopsy report details all 15 gunshot wounds found on Hamilton's body after the incident at Red Arrow Park.

Safran points out how the medical examiner's office said Hamilton was a \"well developed, overweight (body mass index of 26.5), adult black male that weighs 169 pounds\". Safran says Manney reported to the police department Hamilton had a very muscular build.


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