Kidnapped victim from Walmart was a former coworker of Owens

Mitchell Owens told the woman he kidnapped from Walmart that she had broken his heart and this was the only way that they could be together, according to the criminal complaint.

The woman said she recognized Owens as a former co-worker. That she worked night shift at Walmart and Owens used to work with her. She said she believed Owens had quit working at Walmart over a year ago.

The woman told Owens she would break up with her boyfriend so that she and Owens could hang out again. Owens told her that he knew this would not happen.

During the interview with police, the victim described seeing magazines of bullets in the vehicle. It is believed Owens had an AK47.

When she asked Owens what his plans were he told her he did not know.

Owens told her that \"cops might shoot him\" because he had kidnapped her.

The kidnapping occurred when she went on break around 3:00 am. She heard footsteps behind her. When she looked up, she saw Owens pointing a gun at her and yelling at her to get in his car.

Owens told her he would shoot her if she did not get in the car. She said that numerous times during the trip, Owens threatened to shoot her. He told her he would shoot her if she tried to run away.

During one stop, she was able to send a text asking for 911 to be called.

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