Suspect in Stephanie Jones Homicide Arrested

Hakeem Tucker, the suspect in the January 3rd homicide of Stephanie Jones, was arrested on Thursday, January 5th by MPD District 7 Officers. 

Officers District 7 found the suspect in a vehicle that came back wanted for a homicide.

Chief Flynn said he doesn't doubt all officers in this district were out looking for this Malibu.

The officers were in two teams when they confronted the suspect.

Tucker produced a fully loaded pistol and aimed it at the officers.

Tucker allegedly told police to shoot him.

Officers prevented him from fleeing and place on arrest and wrestled the gun away from them. 

"Next thing I know there was gun coming over my shoulder," said one of the officers that arrested him.

Chief Flynn said theoretically the officer could of shot the suspect, but the officer did not shoot the armed suspect. 

Milwaukee Police said Tucker killed an 18 year old girl and injured her 54 year old father.

Jones and her father were shot inside their home on N. 41st Street and North Avenue around 2:20 Tuesday morning.

Investigators were seen leaving the home after more than 4 hours on scene.

Tora Smith, a neighbor who knows the family says she heard the gunshots and took cover.

"Her mother kept calling my name and said Tora, they killed my baby,” Smith explained.

Smith said she saw Jones on a daily basis and described her like family.

Keyon Jackson-Malone tried to visit the family Tuesday morning when no one was home. He spoke with CBS 58 and said he lived next door to the family for several years. 

"Every time Stephanie would see me, it would be a hug. And I’ve been hugging her since she was a kid and she'd walk away and smile,” Jackson-Malone said.

Several friends and neighbors also confirmed with CBS 58 that the 18 year old was a mother of a toddler.

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