CBS 58 Hometowns: Mount Mary University

CBS 58 Hometowns: Mount Mary University

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The CBS 58 Hometowns tour continues to roll on with another feature of a well-regarded local university! Last week was spent at Alverno College, but this week, Emerson Lehmann will be leading a tour of Mount Mary University on CBS 58 news.

There is much to see at this home to around 1,100 students, including an Anatomage table to allow classes to explore the human body and replicate dissection, a virtual reality classroom that allows students to explore more than would ever be possible in a traditional room, a simulation lab for students to practice patient interaction with high-tech mannequins and also a fashion archive that showcases a variety of fashion garments from eras gone by.

Watch Emerson's tour on CBS 58 news on Tuesday, Nov. 14 and Thursday, Nov. 16 at 4:55, 9 and 10 p.m.

To kick off the tour, we were joined by Cheryl Bailey, dean of the School of Natural and Health Sciences.

Michael Schlesinger visited the campus to offer a foodie's perspective!

Most of us love to eat, but if you want to learn more about the science behind it, the food lab inside Mount Mary University might be worth checking out, especially if you're a student looking for that different kind of degree.

There are two degrees offered in this department, including Dietetics and Food Science. Michael learned about each program Tuesday morning. He was also told job placement is incredible in the area with so many food companies in SE Wisconsin.

Plus, there seems to be no limitation as to what you can actually do with these career choices.

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