Bitter cold today before temps moderate into the weekend

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Today's Weather

Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows in the single digits but little to no wind chill. Wind: Calm

Friday: Sunny to partly cloudy. Rising temps all day, reaching the upper 20s by late evening. Wind: SE 5-15

Extended: Mostly cloudy on Saturday with light rain showers possible late in the day into early Sunday morning. Temps reach the low 40s this weekend and remain that warm into Monday. Another batch of light rain showers is possible Monday. Temps cool back into the mid 30s next Tuesday and Wednesday with a few snow showers possible middle of next week.

Weather Now

High: 27° | Low: 26°
SE Wisconsin Radar

7-Day Forecast

Day Description High/Low
Today Dec. 13
Partly Cloudy High: 27° | Low: 26°
Sat Dec. 14
Rain PM High: 41° | Low: 37°
Sun Dec. 15
Mostly Cloudy High: 43° | Low: 34°
Mon Dec. 16
Light Showers High: 46° | Low: 29°
Tue Dec. 17
Partly Cloudy High: 36° | Low: 27°
Wed Dec. 18
Light Snow High: 35° | Low: 25°
Thu Dec. 19
Partly Cloudy High: 29° | Low: 25°
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