Tornado Ready
Tornado Ready 2024- 2025 is here! This severe weather education program brings the CBS 58 Ready Weather team into your school. This interactive program focuses on having a plan when severe weather strikes. Just as your students practice storm drills at school, our program encourages students to take that same drill home with them.
One of our meteorologists will visit your school, talk to students about the importance of having a severe weather plan, show a short video about finding their Ready Spot and answer questions from students. Your school will be also be featured on CBS 58 News that evening.
We are focusing on multi-grade assemblies. Our preference is 2nd through 5th grade, however, all-school assemblies or individual grades are negotiable.
Each Tornado Ready program is about 45 minutes to an hour in length.
To schedule your visit, contact Chief Meteorologist Drew Burgoyne at [email protected]. Please put the words Tornado Ready into the subject line. You can also call at (414) 607-8140.
Click here to view the CBS 58 Tornado Ready 2024-25 calendar
Number of Tornado Ready students in 2024-25: 4,760
Watch Tornado Ready videos by clicking here
Hear what Katy Williams, Principal of Elmwood Elementary has to say about the CBS 58 Ready Weather presentation and the experience offered to the students.