MADACC announces plan to spay, neuter 400 dogs and cats for free

NOW: MADACC announces plan to spay, neuter 400 dogs and cats for free

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission is giving people a chance to get their pets spayed and neutered for free starting Friday. 

The program will help 400 dogs and cats living in 12 Milwaukee zip codes where MADACC receives the most intakes from.

This is the first free spay and neuter program at MADACC, and it's scheduled to run four to six months.

"We get mostly cats and pit bull type dogs here, and there's just not enough homes for all of them," MADACC Executive Director Karen Sparapani said. "Anything we can do to lower the intake of those animals so there's fewer -- that means they're less likely to be put out or come in as lost and not reclaimed."

A $25,000 donation from Stella and Chewy's pet foods is making the free spay and neuter program possible.

For a list of participating zip codes and for more information about how to register a pet, visit MADACC 400.

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