Michigan Street Bridge set to close this morning until 2020 for reconstruction

NOW: Michigan Street Bridge set to close this morning until 2020 for reconstruction

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --Drivers that travel in the downtown area need to plan ahead later today.  The Michigan St. Bridge over the Milwaukee River is set to close after the morning commute.  Over the course of the next year the bridge will undergo extensive repairs and rehabilitation work.

Drivers will have several detours available to them; eastbound traffic will use Wisconsin Ave. via Plankinton Ave., while westbound traffic will be detoured along Clybourn St.

According to Milwaukee DPW, work on the bridge is expected to last about a year and is expected to reopen in the Spring of 2020.

Be sure to follow @ABrovelli and watch the CBS 58 Morning News for the latest on your travels as well as updates on the construction projects throughout southeastern WI.     


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