Here are some places you can get face masks now that Milwaukee's ordinance is in effect

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee's face covering mandate went into effect on Thursday, July 16, and city officials said they want to make face masks available for people who don't have them.

The city has made masks available for free at four city locations:

  • Milwaukee Department of Health (Zeidler Municipal Building) - 841 N. Broadway
  • Keenan Health Clinic - 3200 N. 36th St.
  • Northwest Health Center - 7630 W. Mill Road
  • Southside Health Center - 1639 S. 23rd St

Masks will also be available soon at several other locations, including fire stations, police stations and public libraries as part of a mask distribution program approved as part of a Common Council resolution.

"We are going to make a very concerted effort to get these out into the community," said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

City officials said they hope to have a finalized plan for the mask distribution program by July 31.

At Mexican Fiesta on the south side, volunteers are busy assembling free disposable face coverings as part of MaskUpMKE. Families who need masks can call 414-383-7066. Businesses in need of masks should also call, but they may need to go on a waiting list depending on how many boxes of masks they need. Mexican Fiesta also needs volunteers and asks anyone interested to call the office.

"I think this is a great opportunity for us to save lives. We became the first distribution center in the south side. Up to today, we have been distributing more than 41,000 face masks," said Teresa Mercado, executive director of Mexican Fiesta. 

A number of big box stores and small, local stores are also selling face masks for purchase.

Broadway Paper in the Third Ward has several different designs, including masks with Milwaukee's flag on them.

"We sell either disposable if you're not comfortable with cotton or fabric ones. We also sell fabric ones that go around your ear that are adjustable like mine... They've been really common to very quickly to go off the shelves," said Alyssa Grismer, store manager of Broadway Paper.

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