Update: Family of victim upset over timing of decision announcement in Tony Robinson Jr. case this week
Tony Robinson's mother was too emotional to speak on camera on Mother's Day, but tells CBS 58 that is she is not confident the DA's decision will be to press charges against Matt Kenny.
\"You hope for the best, but you prepare for the worst\", said family friend Jerome Flowers. \"There's always hope, she like all of us are going through a lot of emotion. You know we're hoping for the best but we also have to have a sense of reality as well.\"
The Dane County District Attorney's office called Robinson's mother on Sunday to inform her a decision is expected to be announced in the next 48 hours.
\"This is her first Mother's Day without Tony, so that's hard enough\", said Flowers. \"This is also her first Mother's Day without having a sense of home.\"
Jerome Flowers was brief when asked about the unexpected phone call Robinson's mother received.
\"Basically the same thing the public got\", said Flowers. \"This is your 48 hour notice. The decision will come on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day.\"
The altercation on March 6th between Matt Kenny and Tony Robinson Junior, where the officer says he shot and killed the bi-racial teen in self-defense ignited protests city wide.
Downtown resident Jake Penner says regardless of the District Attorney's decision, he hopes the reaction of people doesn't result in violent acts.
\"My hope is everybody is able to keep a cool head about it, no matter what happens, and make some smart decisions\", said Jake Penner. \"Remember we are still part of the same city. This is still our city.\"
\"What we want is for people to keep the focus on getting justice for Tony\", said Flowers.
Flowers would not go into details, but says the family is talking to lawyers and looking at several options on further steps to take if the District Attorney's decision is not an indictment.
The family did say it thought giving the 48 hour notice on Mother's Day was unfortunate and very upsetting given that it was the first Mother's Day without Tony.
Michael Johnson of the Dane County Boys and Girls Club told CBS 58's David Ade Monday that he anticipates there will be people from outside the community coming into Madison to demonstrate after the announcement, but that local organizers are doing their best to ensure the demonstrations are peaceful.
The Dane County District Attorney Isamel Ozanne is scheduled to hold a press conference around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.
The Robinson family says it has tentatively planned a 4:30 p.m. press conference of its own.
CBS 58 News at 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. will be providing live coverage as events happen with expert analysis from renowned criminal defense attorney Alex Flynn.