Family reunited with dog stolen at Caledonia holiday lights display

NOW: Family reunited with dog stolen at Caledonia holiday lights display

Updated: 2:50 p.m. on Dec. 21, 2021

CALEDONIA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Soto family says they've been reunited with their dog, Bruno. 

Bruno was stolen along with the family vehicle at a holiday lights display in Caledonia on Friday night, Dec. 17.

An anonymous caller contacted the family Monday evening and indicated that Bruno was in Kozi Park. 

The family says they found the dog tied up in the park around 2 a.m.

They say they feel blessed to have him back.

Posted: 7:58 p.m. on Dec. 20, 2021

CALEDONIA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A young boy's dog and best friend is missing Monday night. The dog was inside the family vehicle when it was taken from a holiday lights display in Caledonia Friday night, Dec. 17.

Bruno, a 10-month-old Boston Terrier, is still missing.

The family's vehicle was found on Milwaukee's south side Monday night.

The family said all they really care about is bringing Bruno home, and they're offering a big reward to make it happen.

The Soto family went to the holiday lights display at Jellystone Park in Caledonia Friday night.

Jamie Soto said her son went out to the car to grab something and left the keys behind.

"All of a sudden we go outside, and we're walking and I'm like, 'Where's my car?'" said Soto.

That wasn't all that was missing.

"My dog is in the vehicle, with the car. I don't care about the car, I care about my dog," said Soto.

Soto said the 2014 green Land Rover LR2 was found near S. 5th and Becher Monday night, but there was no sign of Bruno.

She said what hurts even more is Bruno has a special relationship with her son, who deals with anxiety, and usually Bruno sleeps right next to him.

"They were best friends," said Soto. "The night that it happened, he was up all night, he didn't go to sleep at all."

Soto said Bruno is friendly with kids, answers to his name and is black and white with brown specks on his body.

She is offering a $4,000 reward.

If you know where Bruno is, you can make a report anonymously through Crime Stoppers of Racine County or call the Village of Caledonia police at 262-886-2300.

Caledonia police said the security camera footage from the time of the incident didn't have any identifying factors.

Officials with Jellystone Park say they cooperated with police.

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