A rare February event: Milwaukee County to open 3 golf courses Sunday-Tuesday
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- This weekend in Milwaukee, you can ice skate and play a game of golf on a green course in the same 48 hours.
Unseasonably warm temperatures mean Milwaukee County Parks will open multiple golf courses.
"We were open in December and now we're open in February. We're out here in Currie Park, it opens up today," said Joe Mrozinski, with Milwaukee County Parks Thursday, Feb. 22.
Temps are expected to dip Saturday, and Red Arrow's Slice of Ice will open for the day. But on Sunday, three Milwaukee golf clubs will re-open and stay open through Tuesday, Feb. 27. Those parks include Grant Park, Whitnall and Currie.
The Milwaukee County Parks Department has spent the week clearing sticks from the greens and making sure it's ready to go.
They recommend calling ahead, because the unexpected tee time has brought out many excited golfers.