AAA offers tips to protect your car from cicadas

NOW: AAA offers tips to protect your car from cicadas

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Cicadas are here. The DNR confirmed Tuesday the insects have been spotted in Lake Geneva. 

You've probably heard warnings to protect your pets and backyards, but what about your car?

We are just days away from seeing swarms of cicadas in our area. While the insects are considered harmless, for your vehicle, they may not be. 

"Cicadas can cause problems both in terms of the physical and cosmetic issues on your vehicle - paint and finish - but it can also cause some mechanical issues as well," said Nick Jarmusz, AAA Midwest director of public affairs. 

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources confirms that hundreds of thousands of cicadas have already began emerging across Wisconsin, mainly in the southern part of the state. Experts say this specific species is coming up from the ground after a 17-year cycle. They'll be everywhere and AAA Wisconsin has a warning for drivers. 

"From a mechanical standpoint, the biggest potential problem is the air inflow intake into your engine. So you've got a grill on the front of your vehicle by the radiator, and if that gets clogged with a bunch of dead cicadas it can cause problems getting that airflow, which could make your engine not be able to work properly," said Jarmusz. 

As for potential cosmetic issues, AAA says all insects can cause paint issues, but cicadas are special. 

"The most important thing is your paint and making sure you are washing your vehicle more frequently, getting maybe the higher-level wash when you go through to make sure you're getting that bug remover and cicada carcasses off of there," he said. 

AAA says all insects can cause paint issues, but cicadas are special. 

"Cicadas in particular have a more acidic nature to them and also can secrete a sticky, glue-like substance, so if you leave it on your paint for a long period of time, you may have trouble getting it off."

AAA also says to clear your windshield of any cicada or bug residue to ensure that driving conditions remain visible and safe. 

For more information, click here

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