Alice in Dairyland on tour promoting Wisconsin made sweets and treats

Teyanna Loether, Wisconsin’s 68th Alice in Dairyland, is traveling the state in July promotion Wisconsin made sweets and treats.

On Tuesday, her journey included a stop at the CBS 58 studios for a live interview on the CBS 58 News at 4:30 p.m.

Although there is a tiara and a sash, the role of Alice in Dairyland is that of ambassador rather than a beauty queen.

Each year a well spoken woman with farming roots is selected to urge people to buy products that support Wisconsin farmers, communities, and economy. 

Loether has a lot to talk about especially when it comes to honey production in Wisconsin.

\"Wisconsin has 53,000 honey producing colonies making 2.86 million pounds of honey.\"

She says there are varying flavors, for example, clover honey. But that doesn't mean anything is added to it. 

\"It's just based on the nectar source,\" explained Loether.  \"Honey is a natural sweetner, be sure to look for made in Wisconsin.\"

Among the other interesting facts shared included the fact that Wisconsin is 4th in maple syrup production and 99% of Wisconsin farms are family owned and operated.

\"So, I'm very privileged to tell their stories,\" declared Loether. 

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