Another cold spell gives area the "winter blues"

MILWAUKEE-- This frigid weather can be dangerous for your body, but what about your mind?  Dr. Jerry Halverson, Medical Director of Adult Services for Rogers Memorial Hospital in Oconomowoc, says the unrelenting cold this season can cause stress.  \"At some point, for each one of us there's a breaking point... and it's a little bit more of a challenge to cope,\" Halverson said.  

Dr. Halverson says this weather can add to stress.  \"Everybody has to go to work, everybody has to pick the kids up from school... and it's difficult to get things done when it's this cold,\" Halverson said. Plus,  at the advice of authorities, many people stay inside during these cold spells, taking them our of their normal routine, which can make them moody or irritable.   

These \"winter blues\" can lead to destructive behavior.  Halverson says some people sleep too long, eat too much, or drink alcohol to cope.  His advice?  You don't have to travel to a tropical island to beat the winter blues.  If you are feeling low, recognize that feeling as common and normal, and do something to take care of yourself.  \"Be safe, but force yourself to go outside, even for a short time,\" Halverson said, \"it''s really important to continue to remember do things that you enjoy, I think people forget that it's important to have fun.\"   


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