Arrowhead High School holds board meeting after racist social media post surfaced

NOW: Arrowhead High School holds board meeting after racist social media post surfaced

HARTLAND, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Arrowhead High School holds its first board meeting since a racist social media post surfaced last week. 

The alleged photo shows a group of minority students sitting around a table with the caption "the n-word table."

According to Arrowhead High School, the post was created by one of its students months ago and was leaked by an Arrowhead parent.

The parent who released the photo spoke out tonight at the meeting, saying he doesn't want his child to experience racism like he has in the past.

"I go through this every day for my kid to live the right way. When he posted that picture, when he gave it to me. I just wanted to get his community behind him and let him know he's okay and he got people to back him up too, that's all he didn't mean to cause any harm," said the parent. 

The parent went on to say that he wants the community to come together through this issue. 

The district said school administrators did not know about the photo. They also released a statement saying that the post does not represent the Arrowhead community. 

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