Ballot redesign creates more election process fireworks

MADISON -- As the election draws closer, Wednesday brought yet another day of fireworks surrounding the voting process. Republicans are challenging the look of the ballot. They claim it's biased.

There's no question the sample ballot for November's election looks different than the one used in August. Republicans say they are suing to make sure that new version does not end up in any voter's hands.

\"My ultimate hope, and that's why I met with the GAB [Government Accountability Board], is for them to say you know what ya we did screw this up.\"   said Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos.

As of Wednesday, we're 48 days away from November's election, and Republicans say the G.A.B. should throw out its new ballot design.

\"It's really not practical to make changes now, and I wouldn't say it's really necessary to make any changes now.\" said Kevin Kennedy, G.A.B.'s director. Kennedy defended the new style ballot at a press conference Tuesday.

Republicans say the layout is deeply flawed because Democrats are listed first for every race, plus they say you can not easily make out which office you're voting for.

\"We didn't even realize until last week this was happening because of no public hearings. No opportunity for input. Now in one of the most important races in our state's history, they're changing the ballot design.\" Vos said.

According to G.A.B documents, an outside consultant named Dana Chisnell was brought in to help with the redesign. In a statement today the Republican Party of Wisconsin called Chisnell a registered Democrat and partisan progressive.

\"So under any scenario, I don't see how you can call the process open and honest. I think at best it was disorganized and unfair.\" Vos said.

Republicans say they are hoping a Waukesha court orders the old version of ballots be used for November's election.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairman Mike Tate said in an email statement, \"As polling continues to show, Scott Walker is in the toughest race of his political career. The Republican party must not have much faith in their candidate if they're busying themselves with absurd and silly claims with just 48 days until election day.\"


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