'Battle of the Badges' Raises big Money for Autism Awareness

It's a story we first told you about back in September, as a group of area first responders agreed to fight each other to raise money for autism programs. 

In the 'Battle of the Badges', two dozen firefighters and police officers entered the ring for a boxing bout, hoping to raise $50,000 for the Easter Seals of Southeast Wisconsin. 

Monday night, the group presented a check to that organization, for $66,385,

     "It just kept growing," says Officer James Kelley. "Everybody wanted to be involved and give money, it was great." 

Kelley's 9-year-old son Logan has autism, and is grateful for the support. 

       "I think it's going to help a lot of families out," he said. "We gave them the check last month, and the tears started falling. I think they're really appreciative."

Officials with Easter Seals say the money is a huge blessing. 

"Every year our autism program is barely making it," says President Bob Glowacki. "This helps us make the difference so we can support families who otherwise couldn't afford therapy." 


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