Breaking down the 'Taco Tuesday' trademark battle between Taco Bell and Taco John's 🌮

NOW: Breaking down the ’Taco Tuesday’ trademark battle between Taco Bell and Taco John’s 🌮

The phrase, "Taco Tuesday," has been around for decades but has gained popularity in the last few years thanks to the enthusiasm of Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James. The chain entered into a legal battle against Taco John's over the phrase. 

Taco John's has held the trademark for "Taco Tuesday" since 1989, but Taco Bell also wanted to use the popular phrase, so they called up LeBron and got to work.

Thanks in part to that campaign, Taco John's has relinquished the trademark over "Taco Tuesday." 

CBS 58 was joined by Katie Charleston, founder and partner at Katie Charleston Law, to break down the legal battle. 

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