Bridge inspection in Walker's Point stems from oil train meetings

Thursday's bridge inspection stems from the recent public hearings, concerns, and complaints from people who live near the tracks.

Canadian Pacific has representatives here with city officials inspecting the railroad bridge over 1st Street. The road will be closed in the area until late afternoon.

Canadian Pacific says the inspection is part of its capital planning process - basically where the company evaluates rail infrastructure to see what needs upgrades.

Milwaukee Alderman Terry Witkowski says this is a great step to ensure cooperation between Canadian Pacific and the City.

\"I'm happy to see that they're acting as quickly as possible here to inspect the bridge and ensure safety in Milwaukee,\" Witkowski said. \"I'm hoping as a result of this we are going to get some feedback from them. Obviously they would take care of whatever deficiencies we're found if there were deficiencies.\"

Canadian Pacific says there are no problems with the bridge right now and it meets or exceeds all federal standards. Alderman Witkowski says he'll request a report from Canadian Pacific after the inspection is complete.

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