Bucks fans from around the world attend game at Fiserv Forum

NOW: Bucks fans from around the world attend game at Fiserv Forum

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Bucks game Monday night started off with fans' renewed hope. The string of wins had fans showing up to the game from all parts of the world.

For some, Bucks love started three years ago when Milwaukee brought home the NBA title.

"She turns four next Saturday, so this is her first Bucks game," said Quentin Sullivan, Bucks fan from Milwaukee.

Juan Manual Angulo got hooked after the big win in 2021, but until now, he's only seen his favorite team on TV at his home in Colombia.

We asked, "Did you really come just for the Bucks game, all the way from Colombia?"

"Yes, that's what I'm excited for because I want to be here and I see the things in real life, that's my dream. That's why we came today," said Angulo.

The Bucks, coming off a five-game winning streak, put fans on a natural high walking into the stadium Monday night.

"One of 10, probably, like a thousand," said Angelito Harris, Bucks fan from Cudahy.

It's Angelito Harri's first Bucks game.

"What do you like about the Bucks?" we asked. 

"Giannis, definitely Giannis," said Harris.

And it's Monica Goodrum-Lawson's birthday.

"We try to come to every game we can, so yes, I love it and I hope they keep going," said Goodrum-Lawson, Bucks fan from Milwaukee.

Sisterly love for each other and for the Bucks brought these two season ticketholders back together.

"And I always watch. When I'm not here, I’m watching it on TV and she's the same way," said Edith McKnight, Bucks fan from Milwaukee.

But fans said however the game finished, they'll be in it for the long haul.

"It'll be a little too soon to celebrate going to the championship, but seven in a row would be something really cool, so we'll hope for that," said Nicholas Angulo, Bucks fan from Toronto.

"They better win six more then too, so I think it's championship year. If it's not, it's next year. We're coming back, every year so," said Richard Ohms, Bucks fan from East Troy, Michigan.

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