County may consolidate facilities to cut deferred maintenance
MILWAUKEE- The Milwaukee County Executive's office said one of the solutions being considered to deal with the deferred maintenance problem is to consolidate county facilities.
Right now the county has hundreds of millions of dollars in deferred maintenance, which may be to blame in the courthouse fire this past July.
CBS 58 is also told County Executive Abele has strengthened the major maintenance fund and prioritized capitol projects.
Life and safety issues are at the top of the list for Abele.
The county is also expected to be paid $5 million in a land sale with UWM.
The courthouse repairs are on track to be completed in April.
The County Executive's office added that work stoppages are no longer a risk.
Tuesday, Abele showed off some of the new electrical utilities in the courthouse that replaced the old ones damaged in the fire.
An exact cause of the fire is expected in about two to three weeks, but may not be conclusive.