Fairmount Community Neighborhood Watch Official Meeting


- Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, 1st District Alderman
- Assistant District Attorney Joy Hammond, Dist. 7 Community Prosecutor
- Dr. Bridget Araujo, Principal-Hampton Elementary School
- Ms. Rhondi Love-Community Prosecution Unit Coordinator for
M.P.D. District 7
- Mr. Rose Pritchett -Community Organizer with Safe & Sound, Inc.
- WI FACETS Representative
- Milwaukee Police Department District 7 Community Liaison Officer

DATE: Saturday, January 11, 2014

TIME: 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Word of Grace Fellowship Church, 4949 W. Villard Avenue

1. Welcome & Introduction of Guest Panel &Neighborhood Watch Representatives.
2. History behind Fairmount Community Neighborhood Watch and Mission Statement.
3. Remarks from Alderman A. Hamilton
His role in the community and the responsibilities as an alderman and his perspective of the issues to be addressed in District #1.
4. Remarks from ADA J. Hammond
The District Attorney’s Office Prosecution and Ms. Rhondi Love Unit’s role in the community and the perceived impact they are having on the community relative to crime reduction.
5. Remarks from Principal, Dr. B. Araujo
The school’s mission statement. The importance of receiving “community support” to ensure our children’s receive a quality education. The benefit of keeping our children in their neighborhood school.
6. Remarks from Mr. R. Pritchett:
His role as a community organizer, specifically, what assistance community organizers offer/issues they address in the community and how residents can assist in maintaining the habitability and living conditions in the neighborhood.
7. Remarks from WI FACETS Representative
WI FACETS’ role in the community and how FACETS’ resources will benefit families with members living with disabilities to improve the quality of life.
8. Remarks from M.P.D. Liaison Officer
Issues currently being addressed and priorities concerning our specific neighborhood. Advise residents of what we can do to assist.
9. General Question & Answer Session

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