FPC ends police chief search, next steps in September

NOW: FPC ends police chief search, next steps in September

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee's broken police chief search was formally stopped Tuesday, Aug. 10.

The Fire and Police Commission voted to end the search because there's only one top candidate remaining and a majority of the board wasn't in place when the search started.

"Two of the three finalists have accepted jobs in other cities," said Fire and Police Commission Executive Director Leon Todd.

His brief summary of all that has changed since the FPC demoted former chief Alfonso Morales last August and started searching for a new chief could fill a short play.

"We have a suspended search process, we have one candidate remaining in that suspended process who has not received a majority support from the commission," said Chair Ed Fallone.

Fallone wanted the board to stop the process. He argued the Morales lawsuit saga, loss of candidates, and new commissioners made continuing unwise. His sentiment was echoed by the other commissioners.

"Getting some certainty into the community on this score is very important," said Commissioner Joan Kessler.

The commission did not vote Tuesday on what to do next, but Commissioner Ann Wilson seemed to hint at what they may do with current Acting Chief Jeffrey Norman.

"Acting Chief Norman is still interested, director?" asked Commissioner Wilson.

"That is correct," said Todd.

The commission will meet in September and discuss their alternatives moving forward.

Members of the Common Council have made clear they support giving Acting Chief Norman the full-time job.

The Fire and Police Commission could do that under state law.

It may also choose to reopen a search.
