Free gun locks now available at Milwaukee fire stations

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --- It has been a tragic year for gun violence in Milwaukee County. Local leaders are looking for answers. On Monday, Nov. 23, they announced one plan: free gun locks.

Fire Chief Aaron Lipski demonstrated one of the gun locks that his firefighters will hand out free to anyone at Milwaukee fire stations, no questions asked. The cable, when properly used, prevents the gun from firing.

This is a partnership between the fire department, the city Office of Violence Prevention, and the County Division of Behavioral Health.

The goal is to prevent accidental injuries or deaths in the home to stop the use of guns for suicides.

"For youths, the risk of dying by suicide is four to ten times higher in homes with guns," Milwaukee Co. Division of Behavioral Health Nzinga Khalid said. "At BHD we are committed to prevention. By distributing gun locks, we hope to prevent these tragedies."

Not only will the gun locks be available at firehouses, but fire crews can pass them out at emergency scenes as well.

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