Gov. Evers orders flags to half-staff in honor of 9/11 and Day of Service

CBS 58

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Gov. Tony Evers has signed Executive Order #240, mandating that flags of the United States and Wisconsin be flown at half-staff on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

This order states that the intent is to show respect for the nearly 3,000 individuals who lost their lives during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

The executive order also designates Wednesday as a state Day of Service and Remembrance, encouraging residents to engage in acts of service to honor the lives lost 23 years ago. Gov. Evers and his administration will participate in service events that day.

"Each year on this day, we remember the thousands of individuals who lost their lives, pay tribute to the first responders, neighbors and volunteers, among many others, who responded bravely and at a great personal sacrifice, and honor the countless more whose lives were forever changed by this tragedy," Evers said in a Tuesday, Sept. 10 press release, urging Wisconsinites to honor the day through acts of service and kindness.

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