Incorrect absentee ballots mailed to 2,000 Spanish-speaking voters in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee's Election Commission is correcting a mistake that gave 2,000 voters the wrong primary date.

Spanish-speaking voters incorrectly received a mailing with the error. 

The city mails out instructions to everybody about how to vote absentee. About 2,000 people also get a Spanish-language version. 

That card listed the election as next Thursday, two days after the correct day.

Someone alerted the city about the problem that could potentially cause people to miss that voting deadline. 

New mailings were immediately sent out to correct the information. 

Neil Albrecht, executive director of Milwaukee's Election Commission, says he doesn't believe the initial mistake will throw off many voters.

"They usually know what's required to return their absentee ballots and toss these instructions out without reviewing them, so first of all, I'm not sure how many voters actually saw the error, but certainly the corrective letter would've clarified," he said.

Election day is Tuesday, Feb. 18. 

If you're going to submit an absentee ballot in person, that needs to be done by this Friday, Feb. 14. Monday is a federal holiday.

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