Latino leaders gather at City Hall, demand Pres. Biden extend work permits to long-term immigrants

NOW: Latino leaders gather at City Hall, demand Pres. Biden extend work permits to long-term immigrants

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Latino leaders and elected officials gathered at Milwaukee City Hall Wednesday to deliver a message to President Biden. 

"Immigrants are here to work," said James O'Neill, American Business Immigration Coalition. "President Biden, you need to let them."

Specifically, they're demanding executive action from the president extending work permits to long-term immigrants, including undocumented spouses and immediate family members of US citizens. 

They argue that the American economy needs those workers, many of whom have been working and paying taxes already. They also point to a potential political motive.

"In an election year, when national polls are showing Democrats bleeding Latino votes, the Democratic Party must give us tangible results or face disastrous repercussions this November," said Ramon Moreno, Voces De La Frontera action member. 

Policies regarding undocumented immigrants are obviously controversial. According to a Voice of America report, while the president has the power to grant those work permits, the White House has not confirmed any plans to do so. 

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