LinkedIn editor-in-chief says Mondays are the best days to apply for a job

(CBSNews) -- As part of CBS News' "Work in Progress" series with LinkedIn, we are looking at when is the best time to find a new job. A new survey commissioned by LinkedIn found October has the highest number of job openings on its website, and 89% of hiring managers filled those spots in less than four weeks.

With the national unemployment rate at a 50-year low, now could be the perfect time to land your dream job — and Monday may be the best day to apply, according to LinkedIn Editor-In-Chief Dan Roth. 

"I think a lot of hiring managers spend the week getting their job descriptions ready," Roth told "CBS This Morning." "Monday, start the week off, put your job description up, and wait for the resumes to start coming in."

Roth said it's good to have your application be first in line.

"It shows a lot of excitement if you're a hiring manager," Roth said. "Also, if you're hiring, you're like, 'I gotta fill this.' By the time you list a job, you want it filled right away."

But being first is not the most important thing, according to Roth. He emphasized building out your online professional profile.

"The most important thing is be out there," he said. "You want to share your expertise. Constantly talk about what you know. Ask questions. Share stories that are interesting to you. ... Your profile is just an image of where you've worked. It's just like your skeleton, but you want to put meat on that. You want to explain how you think."

Roth also had advice for standing out to secure an interview.

"Make sure that your skills are listed. A lot of companies now, they're not  just looking at where you worked, they're looking at do you have the right skills for the job," Roth said. "Take skill assessments. Take courses. Make sure you're listing those on your profile. But also, really, you have to write, share, talk, shoot videos. You have to be out there."

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