Memphis releases police footage with Tyre Nichols

NOW: Memphis releases police footage with Tyre Nichols

Disclaimer: This package contains graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (CBS 58) -- The disturbing and horrifying video of the Memphis police beating of Tyre Nichols has now been released to the public.

The city waited until this evening to release the four different videos -- after schools were out and people were home from work.

It comes as five officers were charged with second-degree murder and kidnapping in the death of the 29-year-old father, FedEx worker and avid photographer.

The incident is being compared to the vicious beating of Rodney King by the Los Angeles police in 1991.

Demonstrations are already underway in the City of Memphis and cities across the country are preparing for protests of their own.

President Biden spoke with Tyre Nichols' mother this afternoon to express his condolences. 

Tonight, he told reporters he's concerned about the potential of violence.

