Milwaukee Council Committee Denies Adult Entertainment License at Ladybug Club

NOW: Milwaukee Council Committee Denies Adult Entertainment License at Ladybug Club

A week after the "Executive Lounge" strip club was approved downtown Milwaukee, another nearby club is asking for an adult entertainment license.

The club ownersat the Ladybug Club, also known as 618 Live of Water, told the common council's license committee they don't plan on switching to a gentelman's club.

The club did apply for "strippers" and "exotic dance." However, they told the committee today, they just wanted to put on the occasional Chippendale or burlesque show.

As a part of the license application process, police investigated the club. It has a troubled past. Milwaukee Police found 97 instances of police involvement with the club or its owner. Although, those complaints date back to 1999.

The club's lawyer says the Ladybug Club has been trouble-free for 14 monts. They hoped to offer adult entertainment shows a few days a week, or around 140 shows a year.

The way the club applied for the adult entertainment license leaves the use open ended. Committee members are concerned that the location could easily turn into a strip club.

"I remember the history of Silk. I remember that before it was silk... the applicant wanted to just have Thursday nights while the hunters are hunting the wives can come and watch the male dancers, and then when he passed away the wife sold it for a lot of money, and then it just became what it is: Silk today. That may be your intention but there's nothing to preclude this from becoming a full, blown-out, regular strip club," said Alderman Tony Zielinski, License Committee Chair,

Zielinski motioned to deny the license because of the number of police calls. No one on the committee objected.

The license also asked to add amusement games and lower the age restriction from age 23 to age 21.

Alderman Robert Bauman was in favor of the license, but said no matter the intended use there will still be nudity. Bauman is not a part of the license committee but the club is in his district.

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