Milwaukee lawyer honored with Zeidler award for public service

NOW: Milwaukee lawyer honored with Zeidler award for public service

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A long-time Milwaukee lawyer was honored Tuesday, for a life of public service.

Roy Evans received the Zeidler award, named after former Mayor Frank Zeidler.

Evans has worked with Milwaukee's Fire and Police Commission and has helped the city through tax issues.

He's also taught dozens of classes in Milwaukee's public schools.

"My grandmother would probably say something like, if we strive to overcome ourselves and get out of our own way, there's great possibility that we may realize our power and potential to accomplish anything," Evans said. "She didn't say that, but I think she would of said something like that."

Also honored was Venice Williams, the founder of Alice's Gardens, an urban farm that helps Milwaukee families learn how to grown their own food.

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