Milwaukee native and Tony Award winner Anthony Crivello visits his home

 Tony Award winning actor and singer Anthony Crivello is back for a visit in his hometown Milwaukee and he stopped by as a live guest for the CBS 58 News at 4:30 p.m.

He was the focus of the regular feature \"Our Stories with Michele\" which hopes to share with viewers local people who have done incredible things for a better perspective of the place we call home.

A graduate of Thomas More High School and Marquette University reached the heights of stage performance, winning a Tony award for \"Kiss of the Spiderwoman the Musical\" on Broadway.

\"I had some great teachers who helped me fortify my roots,\" Crivello told CBS 58's Michele McCormack. \"Marquette reinforced that then as a launching pad to Chicago.\"

Crivello often visits family and friends who remain in Wisconsin and has kept close tabs on the Milwaukee theatre scene and how it has evolved.

\"There are many companies doing wonderful work. There's this wonderful Midwestern circuit that taps into performers from Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis. It's a great place to cut your teeth.\" 

As he reveals in his official bio, \"Crivello's diversified background was shaped by many things. During the 60s riots, he saw 'Molotov cocktails' burn in front of his childhood home, and had a sniper's bullet come through his bedroom window. All this while Puccini played on the stereo in the 2nd story flat his family resided in.\"

Name a musical, Crivello's been in it from \"Evita\" to \"Phantom of the Opera.\" Name a tv show, same things from \"Miami Vice\" to \"CSI.\"

His film credits include \"Independence Day\" and \"Dillinger and Capone.\"

He is also a playwright and an Honored Member of Marquette University's Century of Scholarship. He was the recipient of Marquette University's College of Speech & Communications distinguished 2003 Communicator of the Year Award. 

Crivello is listed in Who's Who in America, is an outstanding member of the Saint Thomas More High School Alumni Hall of Fame.

His advice to aspiring actors: get your degree.

\"Aim high. It is better in the competitive market to have a masters if you can do it.Your education has to be broad based and even after an agent, manage your own career. Have major computer skills because the industry has become electronic like everything else in the world.\" 


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