Milwaukee Public Schools will return to in-person learning this fall

NOW: Milwaukee Public Schools will return to in-person learning this fall

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee public school students will be back in the classroom full-time this fall. The school board approved the administration's outline 9-0.

Classrooms will be set up to allow three feet of space between students where possible.

Students and staff will still be required to wear masks inside the buildings, but won't have to outside.

"All of our problems are the same and we're all doing everything that we possibly can to meet the needs of our students and to take them to better places," said Superintendent Keith Posley.

He said the Milwaukee Public Schools reopening plan is designed to give students and their parents a return to normal.

"We want to meet the needs and comfort level of all our families," said Posley.

The district will offer a virtual school option. It is also looking at creating a permanent virtual option. Teacher's union president Amy Mizialko said the district should do more to encourage staff to get vaccinated.

"Incentivizing vaccination is an opportunity that this board and administration should not miss. The board should pass a $500 bonus," said Mizialko.

If three-percent of a school's population comes down with COVID next school year, the building will switch to flexible scheduling. The district is also hiring contractors to audit and make improvements to the buildings' air handling systems.

"MTEA is asking that the MPS administration meet and confer with the MTEA," said Mizialko.

Board members asked the district to do more to communicate with parents and students. The superintendent agreed.

"We know there is a social and emotional need that needs to take place," said Posley.

Posley said the district has enrolled 5,800 students for summer courses, compared to 500 last summer.

He said that's one focus, to catch students up who've fallen behind.
