Ozaukee County Fair now open

NOW: Ozaukee County Fair now open

The Ozaukee County Fair is happening right now! It's one of the last county fairs in the state where you can get in for free.

There is something for everyone from Truck and Tractor pulls to the new Monster Truck Show on Sunday.

A big attraction for the kids is The Freak Out ride. 

It looks similar to the Fire Ball at the Ohio State Fair that killed a teen is open at the fair. But organizers said it's engineered differently and it's safe to ride. 

"Chip, the owner of Rainbow Valley rides, his kids ride on the rides every single day and enjoy them and his motto is if I wouldn't trust my family on it, I wouldn't trust your family so he makes sure they are completely safe because his kids ride these rides," said Fair Board Director Natalie Salkowski.

Rides won't be open in the morning and that's for a reason.

"Rides are inspected every morning and that's why we don't open our rides until noon. It gives them time to do thorough inspections on every single ride."

If you're afraid of rides, there are plenty of other things to do. You can see animals like Little Joe the Camel and the 4H displays. 

Organizers said tickets for the Monster Truck show will go fast. Tickets are available for purchase online

Here are some highlights:

Wednesday, August 2 (open noon – midnight):

3pm, Show Arena:                           Swine Judging

4pm:                                                      Midway opens

4-10pm, Midway:                             Unlimited Midway rides with Wristband

7pm, Grandstand:                           Truck & Tractor Pulls

Dusk:                                                     Fireworks over fairgrounds

Thursday, August 3 (open 8am – midnight):       

8am, Show Arena                            Beef judging

11am, Horse/Sheep barn:            Sheep judging

Noon:                                                   Midway opens

Noon-5pm, midway:                      Unlimited Midway rides with Wristband

Noon-4pm, Centre Stage             Ralph Thull Trio

7pm, Grandstand:                           Truck & Tractor Pulls

7pm, Show Arena                            Livestock Sale

6:30-10:30pm, Main Stage            The Cheap Shots

7-11pm, Centre Stage                    Cherry Pie

Friday, August 4 (open 8am – midnight):

8am, Sheep barn:                            Goat judging

8am, Show Arena                            Dairy Judging

9am, Horse Arena:                          Horse and Pony Judging

10am, Rabbit/Poultry Building    Poultry judging

Noon:                                                   Midway opens

3:30pm, Centre Stage:                   Rebecca and the Grey Notes

4:30-8pm, Farm Bureau Tent      Friday Night Fish Fry

Noon - 4pm, Main Stage               Sean McGibnay

6pm, Grandstand:                           Demolition Derby

7-11pm, Centre Stage:                   Bella Cain

7-11pm,  Main Stage                       The Verdict

Saturday, August 5 (open 8am – midnight):

8am, Ozaukee Pavilion                 Barnyard 5k Fun Run

9am, Rabbit/Poultry Barn:            Rabbit Judging  

9am, Horse Arena:                          Open Horse and Pony Judging

Noon                                                     Midway opens

Noon-4pm, Main Stage:                                Russ & Bobcat

12:30-3:30pm, Centre Stage:       Dirty Boogie

1pm, Piggly Wiggly Place:              4-H Dog Demonstration

4pm, Ozaukee Pavilion                 Fairest of the Fair Contest

4-5pm, Show Arena:                       Meet the 4-H Animals

4-5pm, Centre Stage:                     4-H RC Car Demo

6pm, Grandstand                             Demolition Derby

7:30-11:30, Centre Stage               The Toys

7-11pm, Main Stage                        FM Radio

Sunday, August 6 (open 8am – 8pm):

9:30am, Ozaukee Pavilion            “Come As You Are” church service

9am, Horse Arena:                          Open Horse and Pony Judging

11am, Show Arena                          4-H Small Animal Sale

Noon                                                     Midway opens

Noon-4pm, Main Stage                 Tangle Foot

Noon-5pm, midway                        Unlimited Midway rides with Wristband

1pm, Ozaukee Pavilion                  Mr./Miss Ozaukee 4-H Finals

1pm, Show Arena                            Kids Pedal Tractor Pull

1-5pm, Centre Stage:                     Doo-Wop Daddies

1:30pm, Grandstand                       All Star Monster Truck Show & Kiddie Power Wheels Demo Derby

3:30pm, Chainsaw area:                                Chainsaw Carving Auction           
