"Play his music" says family at vigil for slain rapper

NOW: “Play his music“ says family at vigil for slain rapper

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- For the first time, Lamonn Young's family shared their grief publicly after police said they found Young's body in a burning vehicle earlier this week.

Dozens of family and friends gathered at Dineen Park to remember Young.

A rapper, barber, and loving father, many family members said they're still in shock.

"I'm not handling things, I don't even live here, but I flew here, I won't be going back at least until the police tell us something," said Young's brother Malik Deshawn.

He flew in from Atlanta after learning about the death of his brother.

He said the loss cuts deep.

"If this was some random act by the grace of whatever, but it's much more deeper, and when it's like that, it hurts, it hurts the heart," said Deshawn.

Police found Young's body in a burning vehicle near Hawley and Martin earlier this week. They're investigating Young's death as a homicide.

"I missed work for three days, and I'm numb, because this is unbelievable, he was an entrepreneur, he was a daddy," said Young's cousin Shawn Young.

Family and friends lit candles, prayed, and released balloons into the sky. They poured their love and grief for Lamonn in between a downpour. His wife and partner of 25 years urged people to play his music.

"His music was his baby, and besides us, his wife and his children, that is what he was known for, that and being a barber," said Desiree Young.

Surrounded by her three children, she also told the crowd to spend time with their kids, too aware that life can be gone in an instant.

"He was a good man, he was a artist, he was an entrepreneur, he was an awesome husband," said Desiree Young.

Young said the family is planning a memorial for Lamonn in early June.

They're still finalizing the details for that memorial service.
