Racine & Me April 22, 2018: Keshaun Brown, gET bEHIND the aRTS 2018, the Search for Agent 22, and the Racine Zoo
Jacob Kittilstad celebrates his 30th birthday this week. He reflected on how thankful for his health he is – as he started talking about Keshaun Brown. The 10-year-old boy cannot walk, weighs 38 pounds, and has been diagnosed with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD). The condition has delayed his development but his mother stresses that he is able to learn and flourish under the correct circumstances. She talked about the day-to-day struggles and successes that come with raising a child with these specific special needs.
Next, a jeweler participating in gET bEHIND the aRTS 2018 talked about why he’s getting involved in the annual event that allows people to get into artists’ workspaces. The multi-day event covers Racine and Kenosha – and kicks off with the extremely popular Preview Party which brings together musicians and artists.
Escape Racine - The Search for Agent 22 will soon be sending puzzle-solvers onto the streets of Racine. The city-wide scavenger hunt is a collaborative effort from Br8kout Escape Rooms and Seven Keys to Escape (which are two local escape rooms). The event combines a spy theme with the problem-solving-process of an escape room – plus a race to win cash prizes.
Finally, the Racine Zoo is looking ahead to summer. Registration has been opened for their pre-school and summer camp programming. Participating kids will get to learn more about the animals at the zoo and get up close and personal with them. Two ambassador animals also came along during this weekend’s visit: a desert tortoise and a Kenyan sand boa.
Guests: Keshaun Brown – 10-year-old diagnosed with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, Nakreisha McFarland – Mother of Keshaun Brown, Chris Sklba – Art Metals Studio Jeweler, Nick Ramsey – gET bEHIND the aRTS Preview Party Emcee, Paul Vance – Br8kout Escape Rooms Racine Owner, Tim Griffith – Seven Keys to Escape Owner, Beth Heidorn – Racine Zoo Executive Director, Jason Swartz – Racine Zoo Animal Care Specialist