Racine police warn of Craigslist Robberies

Craigslist has made it easy for bargain hunters to meet up and swap goods, it has also made for easy targets for criminals.

Racine police say three people have been robbed at gunpoint since February 27th, at all different times of the day and night. Those people were looking for cars and when they met up with supposed sellers, they were instead met with guns.

The thieves lure unsuspecting buyers to unsafe locations like homes and empty areas. Racine police say you should only meet in well-lit areas like a gas station, store parking lot, or even the police station. Racine Seargeant Jessie Metoyer says a little research can also go a long way in keeping you safe.

\"\"If you're getting a vehicle, get that VIN number, do a search online, make sure that the person you're supposed to be meeting matches up to the registration of the vehicle,\" Metoyer said.

There could be more victims, if you were the victim of a previously unreported robbery call 262.866.2300.

If you have tips that could lead to the robbers arrest call Crimestoppers at 262.636.9330


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