Riverwest florist celebrates 75 years in business, gears up for Valentine's Day rush

NOW: Riverwest florist celebrates 75 years in business, gears up for Valentine’s Day rush

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Florists around the country are rushing to fill orders ahead of Valentine's Day this Friday.

For one Riverwest florist, the business has been in her family for decades.

"I grew up here; I was born into it," said Trudy Kralj, owner of Bruno's Floral Shop.

75 years ago, Trudy Kralj's parents opened Bruno's flower shop in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood.

"They looked for a place, and that was right after the war in '49, and this was the only storefront open," Kralj explained. "So, we've seen all the changes, all the good and the bad, and we've lasted through it all."

However, Valentine's Day is the same each year; preparations start months in advance.

"Back around Christmas time, getting our orders in. Trying to figure out what do we need this year over last year," said Kralj.

Kralj says orders come in just in time for the big day.

"The flowers started coming in this past week; Thursday and Friday will be the big rush because everyone is last minute," said Kralj.

Kralj says over the years, business has slowed down.

"It's getting less and less, but people who are picky will still come to a florist," said Kralj.

According to Finance Buzz, an average bouquet of just 12 roses will cost $90.50 in 2025, almost a 13% increase from 2023.

Kralj says florists are struggling now that people have more options.

"Most people go to the big box stores, Amazon," said Kralj.

After 16 years of running Bruno's Floral Shop on her own, Kralj says seeing her customers' faces light up is the sweetest bloom of all.

"To see people happy, to see someone making someone else happy," said Kralj.

There's still time to purchase flowers from Bruno's Floral Shop on N. MLK Drive.

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