Small victory for DREAMERS quietly announced

NOW: Small victory for DREAMERS quietly announced

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) – A small victory for so-called DREAMERS was announced over the weekend and immigration attorneys are already seeing an impact.

 Federal immigration authorities announced that DACA recipients can once again submit their requests for a renewal.

The announcement was quietly made on the citizenship and immigration services website on Saturday. “Due to a federal court order, USCID has resumed accepting requests to renew a grant of deferred action under DACA.”

This comes after a nationwide injunction was issued on Tuesday by a federal judge ordering the Trump administration to continue DACA.

Local immigration attorneys say they’re already seeing people taking advantage of this opportunity, especially since it’s not known how long this window of opportunity will last.

“We’ve had a flood of calls and we’ve already helped numerous people already this morning,” says attorney Marc Christopher. “We’re telling them to get their applications in as soon as possible. People have to remember that this is a temporary measure by a judge, and it can be overturned at any time or the law can change. Once an application is in, the government honors them.”

It’s important to note, this only applies to people who’ve already had DACA in the past and need to renew. This is not for first-time appliers.

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