Test your Christmas cheer with 'The 1st Quiz of Christmas' ๐ŸŽ

It's December, it's chilly outside, so what better time to show off your holiday know-how?

We've got a quiz prepared to see if you can jingle your way up to the top of Santa's list. It'll bring joy to the world, or at least to your day!

Are you as bright as Rudolph's nose? Let the reindeer games begin!

  1. What popular Christmas beverage is also known as "milk punch" and is often served with a sprinkle of nutmeg?
  2. In the classic animated TV special "A Charlie Brown Christmas," what instrument does Schroeder play?
  3. Which fictional character's heart famously grows three sizes on Christmas Day?
  4. In the song "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas," what is the prettiest sight to see?
  5. In Japan, which fast-food item has become a popular Christmas Eve meal due to a successful marketing campaign in the 1970s?
  6. What was the first company that used Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in a marketing campaign?
  7. What was the first state in the United States to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?
  8. Which British monarch delivered the first broadcast Royal Christmas Message?
  9. In "Home Alone," what is the name of the fictious gangster movie that Kevin watches?
  10. In which European country is it a tradition to hide all brooms in the house on Christmas Eve to prevent them from being stolen by witches?
Test your Christmas cheer with 'The 1st Quiz of Christmas' ๐ŸŽ

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