"This is my healing:" Veterans' Garden breaks ground in Green Bay
Posted: May 9, 2017 4:28 PM CST
A new safe haven in Green Bay aims to bring peace and healing to the minds of many who have fought for our country.
Today, the Green Bay Packers, the Vet Center, and the UW-Extension broke ground on a new Veterans Garden.
\"This is my healing thing, ya know? I like gardening. It calms me down,\" said Marine Veteran Ron Odill.
\"When we look at veterans and some of the issues that they experience, this is a perfect location for a garden; it's very quiet, it's peaceful, and we know there are benefits to growing produce,\" said UW-Extension Director Judy Knudsen.
Some of the produce grown in the Veterans Garden will be donated to local food pantries and distributed to people in need in the region.