Two Milwaukee Alderpersons receive racist emails following controversy over contractors with guns photo
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They included using the N-word and foul language. Both Milele Coggs and Russell Stamper received the emails. They tell CBS 58 News that they're working with MPD to see if they can figure out who sent them.
"The comments of support and outrage from citizens and then be in their own investigation, trying to figure out who the author is. It really is a demonstration I think of how much such behavior and attitude is not acceptable," said Alderwoman Milele Coggs.
"It's just a reality that we have a long way to go, racism still exists and we have to work together to see what we can do to reduce that racism," said Alderman Russell Stamper.
The photo of the contractors with the guns was taken November 30 and shared on Facebook. One of them was fired, the other two suspended.
The emails also referenced Greg "Ziggy" Zyszkiewicz. He was the City of Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services Housing Inspector who was shot while on the job on the north side back in March.
His family has a message for whoever sent those emails,