Urban Ecology Center members can once again borrow outdoor recreational equipment

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Urban Ecology Center recently announced that outdoor recreational equipment lending is back after COVID 19 public health indicators and internal preparedness measures. UEC members are now able to borrow the equipment for free.

Members can currently borrow canoes, kayaks, and bikes through new curbside pickup procedures.

“This year, we have modified our methods to provide a safe and reliable check out process in accordance with health department recommendations about running a lending program.” Mike Larson, Visitor Services Manager at the UEC, said. 

According to UEC, the equipment is sanitized between each use to minimize the potential of cross-contamination between guests and recreational equipment is available by reservation only. 

“For the first time we are taking online reservations, which means that members can go right on our website and reserve the equipment they need. Also, our Watercraft Lending Orientation (safety course) has been moved to an online platform, so members can take it on their own time with UEC staff available for any questions”, Larson said. 

A family membership is $60 a year with benefits for two adults, all children or grandchildren under 18 in a household, and also one guest. An individual membership is $50 a year with benefits for one individual member plus one guest. 
Learn more about the equipment lending here

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