Watertown community cleans up after severe storms

NOW: Watertown community cleans up after severe storms

WATERTOWN (CBS 58) -- On Saturday night, June 22, tornados touched down in multiple counties across southeast Wisconsin. A small town in Jefferson County is left rattled by the aftermath of a tornado that destroyed a house, and barn. It also left trees uprooted and snapped in half.

In Watertown, power lines are down, and crushed pieces of metal -- once the roof of a farmhouse – now lay in a cornfield.

Jeff Schwartz is a friend of a family that was hit. When he got word they had damage, he stepped into action.

"When you got a friend in need you got to come out and help them," said Schwartz.

Dozens more came to remove the fallen trees. Thankfully, no one was hurt during the storm.

"All the chickens are okay, no injuries, minor property damage, just a lot of clean up," said Schwartz.

While neighbors are dealing with major tree damage, across the field a house, barn, and shed are all a total loss.

"I decided to help them because this is pretty extensive," said Jon Toma, Watertown Chairman.

Toma lives around the corner and says tornados don't normally come through Watertown.

"There were some strong winds probably 2 years ago, hurt a roof down the road and that's the last time they've been through here. It was eerily quiet, didn't hear a thing but we live on 19th which is right where they said the tornado was," Toma explained.

Neighbors said the homeowner left before the tornado hit. Now, the American Red Cross is trying to get in touch with them to help with the damage.
