Will you foster me?

Hi! I'm Mr. Big and I'm looking for a special foster home! I am 6 years old and currently being treated for heartworm disease at the Wisconsin Humane Society, so I'm not quite ready for adoption. Heartworm is a blood parasite that can be transmitted to dogs through a mosquito bite. It can take several months after infection before a heartworm test will display as positive. Heartworm disease can cause respiratory issues, heart failure, and if left untreated, death.

Fortunately for me, I'm in great hands and the Wisconsin Humane Society has started me on treatment to get rid of my heartworms. Treatment is successful in most cases, but can pose some risks, and I'm looking for a foster home to see me through my treatment before I embark on my adoption journey! If you are interested in fostering me (and let's be honest, who wouldn't be?) then email our Foster & Transfer Coordinator, Peggy at [email protected]!

P.S. if you decide I might be a good permanent fit after my treatment is completed, please let Peggy know!

Mr. Big

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